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This Little Bulb Is Blessed

A piece of a past generation and a little water, dirt, and sunshine begins the life of this little crocus flower. A nice bed in a nice place and the crocus grows because its needs are met. Its needs are met because they are provided for by another. The bulb did not work and earn the dirt or water or sunshine. This little bulb is blessed.

Then one day, its whole world changes. It is dug up, washed, dried, and bagged. It is no longer in the dirt or enjoying the sunshine. It is dry and it falls asleep. Dormant for a season. It travels to be processed and made into a product to sell. It will be handled with care and without care depending on the purpose of the hands that will handle it. It can have a rough day but in the bag it is quiet. It is good to rest. While the bulb sleeps, it is not aware of the bar codes and store shelves, the people passing by or even the checkout counter as it is moving from the store to a car. It is taken to a place it has never been before. A journey it never started out to take, but it goes, it has no choice. Still sleepy and depending on the loving care from the past to get it through this dry season.

New hands and new dirt, a new place to call home. Ah, a familiar friend in the bright sunshine that bakes the dirt with warmth and goodness. New hands have dug a new bed and as the little bulb is placed in the new garden a glimmer of hope, then a yawn, and then more sleep. 

It is cold and wet, then warm and then cold again. It is fall and the leaves have blanketed the garden and the warmth that they provide is welcomed. As the day grows shorter and colder, the little bulb sleeps. Unaware of all of the changes in the world around it.

Then a new day comes. It is time. Warmth grows, rain quenches the thirsty little bulb, and a spark of life begins again. It is time to grow and not to sleep. It grows and grows and sees the sunshine. A shift here and a push of a leaf there and sunshine!

Living in the sunshine is satisfying. The little bulb is renewed in the light of the sun. It gains in strength and grows past the seasons of changes to mature in it’s fullness. Its purpose is to bloom. Its purpose is to glorify the God Who made it. The God of the Universe is glorified in all of the creations that He has made.

A new life from an old one that all began in God and will end in His glory when the little bulb fulfills its purpose for being here.

We are that little bulb.

Now dear ones in Christ Jesus, it is time to live in the Son-shine which is satisfying and full of life! We are blessed by God’s Son!

But my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19 (KJV)

Grace and peace to you in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ! -Shahe Nahler

I am the author of six books. The first three of the books are about God changing me from my way to His way! Life is a process, people!  A journey to walk out with God, and it’s always better when God is in you, and you have a relationship with Him. That way, His way, you never walk out your faith journey alone but with Him!

All six books are available at Just click the links above or go to Amazon and type into the search, “Shahe Nahler.” Available in paperback or eBook.

You can also visit my website at for travel photos and Bible lessons, photography, and artwork.

My prayer for you is to have a real relationship with Jesus and as you grow in the grace and knowledge of Him and that you share Him with others so that they can have that gift too!

 A great source to continue to study your Bible is

Grace and peace to you in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ! -Shahe Nahler


My name is Shahe and this blog is a glimpse into some of my passions. I was born in Kabul, Afghanistan. My father is Afghan and my mother is American. I grew up in the US as a Muslim and became a Christian in my twenties. In my quest to find "truth" in who I am, and who God planned me to be, I found a great love and interest in studying my Bible. "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105 Studying my Bible brought out parts of me that were always "interests" that I have. I have always loved art, architecture, history, and music. I love my children dearly. I love to cook, read, study languages, paint, take photographs, and travel. The Bible opened up worlds for me to explore. I have spent the past two decades traveling to Biblical sites, studying languages, and meeting people with great stories of who they are and who they are in Christ Jesus. The "Persian in me" wanted to know where I came from and who I was. The "Unbeliever in me" wanted to know what truth is, so I started looking. I found "Truth" and His Name is Jesus. The "Believer in me" wanted to know more about God and who He is. The "Seeker in me" found a history rich in the Middle East, full of good food, rich history, beautiful people, and historical sites that kept my seeker-self engaged with the One True God. We have a relationship that is real and authentic. I have found great joy searching my Bible and walking in Israel, Turkey, Persia, Arabia, Greece, Italy, and Jordan. I continue to seek God and to find out how I can become more like Him. Life can be a burden. A life that balances the law of God and faith in God, is one that will bring the carrier of the burdens of life great joy. The Bible says, "I have no greater joy than this, to hear of my children walking in the Truth." (3 John 1:4 NASB) I love my Jesus. I love my husband. I love my children and grandchildren. I love to share with others the rich history of God's plan. I would love to share Him with you. Please be patient with this site as I slowly upload years of photographs and stories to share with you history and "His story." God is good!

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